Case Studies

As you can imagine, a lot of my work sits behind an NDA and cannot be shared.

Happily, there are exceptions though and I get to show-off and blow my own trumpet a little.

Case Studies

As you can imagine, a lot of my work sits behind an NDA and cannot be shared.

Happily, there are exceptions though and I get to show-off and blow my own trumpet a little.

Soap Vs Shower Gel

Behavioural change


Secret Source

Introduction/New Prospect


Just one more thing

The UK’s most hated sales guy

eBook leave behind

Boy Moscow

Teaser animation created in



Soap Vs Shower gel

Behavioural change exploration piece

Because of NDAs, I can’t easily show all of my clever solutions to clients problems, Master pages for consistency or cool whizzy graphics that highlight key messaging.

I created this portfolio piece to showcase a lot of the skills used in work for my clients. The deck on its own, without without being presented wouldn’t lose a lot of the narrative so I have recorded a video presentation. (Sound on, please excuse my terrible voice-over)

A showcase piece that presents: The best way to display key information (it’s not always chart). Triggers and hidden content. Animation to highlight data. Page builds and reveals to focus attention. Transitions for page fluidity. As well as typography and video skills.


Secret Source Marketing

Introduction/New prospect presentation template

They had recently re-branded so he challenged me to take the narrative from one of their really old out-of-date presentations, breathe some life in to it and and bring it up to date.

Like many older presentations, the slides were a little text heavy, We split out a lot of the content and used Reveals to focus attention and page builds to ease complex pages. Triggers and hidden content were also used to save valuable time with a client presentation.

They loved it quickly adopted it across the business. They use, re-use and re-purpose it for many different presentations. Here are some examples of some pages, minus the sensitive data slides.


Just one more thing

The UK’s most hated Sales guy – eBook

Benjamin is an extremely successful sales trainer, giving talks and workshops to audiences large and small. He needed an upgrade on his text heavy leave-behind created in Word. Could we bring it to life?

After chatting with him, it was obvious that he needed something editable and modular. It needed to be templated with page masters to keep the design integrity. We brought what was a lengthy text file to life with images, graphics and diagrams.

We created an eBook in PowerPoint that he could re-use and repurpose and tailor to his varied and different workshop requirements depending on the audience. He now loves how he can quickly pull together an engaging eBook in a matter of minutes.


Boy Moscow

Teaser animation in PowerPoint

How do you launch a new book with limited budget? Well, Kevin-paul Scarrott took to social media and enlisted the help of artists, designers and illustrators. He gave us a few images, maps and back cover blurb and said, away you go.

We created a teaser inviting users to download the first chapter for free. He loved the animation that I had created in PowerPoint for Julia Allum’s Apollo 11 anniversary poster and wanted something similar.

I did just that, but with a retro feel, old grainy paper textures, a deliberately badly printed look and feel and dodgy video glitches. All created in PowerPoint.