See some case studies

Varying from introduction presentations and pitch decks to animation projects and eBook leave behinds.


I bring data to life

Get your message across –
without a bullet point in site

I bring data to life and give it maximum impact on your screen. 

You will feel more confident in front of a room full of people and it will hit them right between the eyes.

We will make your content compelling and memorable and will drive action in front of decision makers. 

BTW: This video was exported from PowerPoint.

‘Is that even PowerPoint’


The truth is, it has come a long way in the last few years…and so have expectations.

We can do some really cool stuff these days, you would be surprised at what we can achieve.

The trick is, to make PowerPoint not look like PowerPoint!

BTW: This animated gif was exported from PowerPoint.


Before and after

See some before and after examples


Compelling and memorable

When you present, the decision most likely will not be made immediately, so we will make your deck compelling and memorable give you the edge over your competitors.


Added value

Decks with Added value

You get more value out of my work. I don’t just make single decks in a siloed manner, I will create you a robust template that you can use again and again.

You can adapt, repurpose and add using easy to use master pages. Any graphics, icons and motion graphic elements will all be native to PowerPoint and editable by you and your team.


Training and upskilling

It’s all about elevating levels

So we have created your swanky new presentation or template. Now we will upskill your team to be able to edit and maintain it.

Then, give them the confidence to go on and create more work at the same quality using those templates.

Great expectations
In recent years, expectations levels have risen, we all want the motion graphics, reveals and page builds. I’m always asked for the funky chapter breakers.

Inevitably the complexity levels of pages rise with those expectations. I can train your team to be able to keep up with these changes and maintain, grow and enhance their skill levels.

Why do we care


Today, the levels of expectation in your PowerPoint deck are so much higher. If you go in there with a headline, small image and half a dozen bullet points, no-one is going to take you seriously.

What ever you do, don’t fall in to this trap

Ever come across this scenario?
Let’s say the deal is worth £250K. You have spent the last 6 weeks and over £25K on the pitch and only allowed 2 days on your final presentation? You run the risk of falling at the last hurdle. All that hard work and no-one will see it in its best light.


It needs to be compelling and memorable

In a pitch situation, there may be fine margins between you and the other guys. You and your competitors may be offering a very similar proposition to each other.

You have done your research thoroughly, your strategy is sound and your work looks good.

We all know the decision won’t be made in the room. What we need to do is make sure that they remember your presentation over that of the other guys.

When they are discussing all of what they have seen, and it could be a lot, your work needs to stand out in their minds.

Apollo 11 poster

This animation was created in PowerPoint and is based on Julia Allum’s Apollo 11 illustration. The moment I saw it I wanted to make it move.

I love the way she captures moments in nature, events and locations in her unique and recognisable style. Needless to say, I am a massive fan.

Apollo 11 poster

This animation was created in PowerPoint and is based on Julia Allum’s Apollo 11 illustration. The moment I saw it I wanted to make it move.

I love the way she captures moments in nature, events and locations in her unique and recognisable style. Needless to say, I am a massive fan.